Making Christmas Cards

The Bears Make Their Own Christmas Cards
S05_Header_Gerry Shows The Finished Card

Oscar, Gerry, Alfred and Walkerbear thought you might be interested to read about their attempt at making their own Christmas cards.

It all started with their friend Katy, who had started to make her Christmas cards, and that got them thinking. What about making cards to send to their friends! So they had to get their thinking caps on. What did they need? Katy said she would help. First they had to decide what toppers to use - toppers are the pretty little bits glued onto the front of the card itself. Oscar was given some sheets of toppers so that he could pick something, but being Oscar, he decided to cut out lots and lots (using round ended scissors so that he didn't cut himself) so that all the other bears could see them and choose something.

S5_1_Cutting Out The Toppers
Cutting Out The Toppers
This turned out to be very hard as they all chose something different, so the chosen toppers were shortlisted and then votes taken.
S5_2_Choosing The Topper
Choosing The Topper

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