Pin The Tail On The Easter Bunny

A Quick And Easy Game

A Read-Along Activity

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It was the beginning of the Easter weekend and all the teddy bears were looking forward to enjoying their Easter treats - there would be chocolate Easter eggs (of course!) and some hot cross buns (maybe toasted and spread with butter!) and getting outside into the garden for their annual Easter Egg Hunt.

Unfortunately, the weather wouldn't co-operate and they woke up to find it was pouring with rain which left all the bears very glum.

The Bears Hate Rain

Charlie wracked his brains to come up with an idea for the bears to have some fun inside instead. "Hey, how about we make our own game to play inside until the weather gets better?" he asked out loud.

"What sort of game?" asked Teddy.

"How about we play 'Pin The Tail On The Donkey' but make it an Easter version and try to pin the tail on the Easter Bunny?" Charlie replied.

"Oooh, that sounds like fun!" said Lizzie. "But we don't have an Easter Bunny to pin any tails on."

"Easily sorted," said Charlie with confidence. "Just give me a minute or two."

Charlie Draws A Bunny

Charlie ran to their craft box and started pulling out different things, muttering to himself as he did so. The other bears heard him saying that 'this would do' and 'I could use this' and 'now where did I put that?'

Eventually he re-appeared holding a very passable outline of an Easter Bunny drawn on some paper, which he then attached to the wall, at a reasonable height for them all to reach. Then he produced a bag from behind his back which contained lots of white, fluffy, cotton-wool balls (like the ones they had used at Christmas for their Advent Calendar.

"Ta-da!" he exclaimed.

Easter Bunny Outline

"How do we play?" asked Teddy.

"Well, you have to be blindfolded, then place one of these cotton-wool balls (or tails) onto the outline wherever you think the Easter Bunny's tail should be. I will draw round each bear's chosen position in a different coloured pencil (that way we don't end up with lots of cotton balls in the way when you try to place each individual tail," explained Charlie.

"May I go first?" asked Lizzie.

"Of course," said Charlie. "Everyone will get a turn," he continued, handing Lizzie the bag of cotton-wool balls.

She reached in and chose a ball, then Charlie gently fastened a blindfold around her eyes. He had found a very soft silk scarf which would be very comfortable as a blindfold, but would ensure that they couldn't see where they were placing their 'tails'.

Charlie Puts Up The Outline

When it seemed that Lizzie was going to place her 'tail' on the wall below the outline, the other bears encouraged her to stand on tip-paw so that she could reach the Easter Bunny itself.

"No cheating!" admonished Charlie, smiling.

"We're just helping Lizzie to at least put the 'tail' somewhere on the Bunny," Richard laughed.

Everyone had their turn, each choosing a cotton-wool 'tail' and being blindfolded before being led up to the Easter Bunny on the wall. Some of the smaller bears had to be lifted up to actually reach the Easter Bunny, but that was only fair.

Teddy's Turn

When they had all finished, they checked each of their positions on the Easter Bunny outline. Someone had managed to place a 'tail' on the Bunny's ear! But the nearest to the Bunny's proper tail position turned out to be Crackers! He was very pleased. And even more so when Charlie produced a small Easter egg as the prize!

As they all complimented Charlie on arranging such a great Easter game for them, they noticed that the sun had now come out and they could play their usual games outside.

"But we think your game will turn out to be the best we have played this weekend," said all the other bears. Charlie was just very proud that he had managed to brighten up their otherwise dull start to the day so quickly and easily.

If you want to play the "Pin The Tail On The Easter Bunny" game like the bears did, you can print off an Easter Bunny outline by clicking here. Then all you need are some cotton-wool balls, or you could even use discs of coloured paper, or self-adhesive coloured labels. Have fun!

Tails In Strange Places!