Hallowe'en Party

The Bears' Hallowe'en Party
The Gang's All Here

The bears had their Hallowe'en Party last night. They had invited some of their pals and they all made masks to wear as disguises. The group pictures include most of them - can you guess who they all are, before you read any further?

First Arrivals
First Arrivals
The Gang's All Here
The Gang's All Here!

There were a lot of spider masks which didn't quite match the spider decorations that they had made earlier. In fact, the spiders on the masks seemed to be wearing hats!

Who Is It? Bubbles
Who Is This?
Scary, Bubbles, Gerry and Harry thought they were very funny.
Is It Harry And Gerry
Can this be Harry and Gerry?
But whoever heard of spiders wearing hats??

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