Woodland Animals

Finding Materials And Making Animals

When they got them home and put them on the table they scratched their heads trying to decide what to do with them. Then Alfred came up with a brilliant idea - he decided they could make some animals out of them - but he needed a few more things.

Alfred Adds The Head

Once he had collected everything together he had acorns, conkers, twigs, matches and a felt tip pen (that was for drawing faces on the animals).

First of all they needed four legs so Oscar took four matches out of the matchbox (these should be used matches and if they are not, an adult could cut off the match heads before use, or you can buy matchstick-sized pieces of wood from your local craft shop).

Oscar Adds The Tail
The matches Oscar took from the box had already been used so it was full speed ahead. Oscar pushed the first match into the underside of one of the conkers and then Alfred put the other three in. He had to make sure that the legs were of equal length so that it wouldn't fall over.
One With A Curly Tail

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