Scary explained. "I thought rolling downhill would be a fun way to go back. I was looking to make sure that there were no rocks or big holes to hurt us, and no places for mud to stick to our fur."
With a long-drawn-out "Aaaand………" the other bears waited for Scary's decision with bated breath.
"It all seems perfectly OK - as long as we go down the same way we came up," declared Scary.
"Let's go!" shouted Boo, getting ready to roll.
"Just one more minute," said Scary, "A couple of things to remember. Firstly, either cross your arms in front of you or hold them above your head as you roll. And, secondly, if you need to slow down or stop, just move your arms and legs into a star shape and you'll soon slow down and stop."
With these wise words Scary suddenly lay down on the grass and propelled himself down the hill, only moving into a star shape right at the bottom. Boo followed a little more gingerly and stopped half-way.