The Scented Garden

Smelly Flowers

Bubbles And Lobelia
Bubbles tested the lobelia they have growing in their hanging baskets but, although the little flowers are bright and colourful, they have no scent.

Boo also tested the violas which live just outside the window in a big pot.

Boo And Violas
They are very colourful too and their flowers look like little smiley faces, which is why the bears like them so much. The flowers only have a very light fragrance though, according to Boo.

Tommy couldn't really reach his nose up to any of those flowers, even the shorter ones like the violas. Instead, he tested some of the wildflowers growing in the lawn. He discovered that the flowers of the white clover smell beautiful!

Tommy And Clover
The bears had never thought to smell clover before. They have sat amongst the plants looking for four-leaf clover leaves which are supposedly very rare and very lucky for you if you find one, but had never smelled the flowers. You have to get up really close to the flowers to smell their scent though. Tommy was just the right height to do the testing!!

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