The Platinum Jubilee

Royal Celebrations

Once all the crowns were cut out, it was time to add all the decorations to look like jewels and precious stones. They chose jewelled braids and ribbons for the base of the crown, then glued on pearls, stars, glittery flowers, tiny diamonds and rubies (though not real diamonds and rubies of course!)

Whose Crown Is Whose?

When they had all finished, they suddenly remembered that they would need food and drink for their party! Luckily they had bought some delicious desserts with a royal theme - Jubilee Cherries to be eaten with ice cream, Battenberg cakes and a huge Victoria sponge cake filled with jam and cream.

Lizzie Wears Her Crown
All they needed to do was make some Coronation Chicken sandwiches, and some very dainty cucumber sandwiches. And there would have to be lots of cups of tea, and some sparkly lemonade with which to toast Her Majesty!

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