The Morse Code

Sending Secret Messages

Scary was very proud when the other bears managed to work out quite quickly what the sentence was. They needed to use their Morse Code list at first but they very soon managed to pick up some common letters, like 'E' and 'S' without having to check on the list.

"You can also use other methods for spelling out the letters" explained Scary. "You can knock a piece of wood on a metal bucket, or something similar, or you can even use a torch and flash it on and off to represent the dots and dashes, leaving the torch lit longer for the dashes than the dots. The most important word in Morse Code is … (pause) --- (pause) …" continued Scary. "That is the international signal for help (it stands for the initial letters of Save Our Souls) and is recognised all over the world, so that might be a good one to memorise."

Or You Can Use A Torch

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