The Morse Code

Sending Secret Messages

James tried first. "Di, dah," he said. "Perfect," responded Scary. "Now try the letter 'B'."

The marking next to the letter 'B' was a dash and three dots which James said out loud as "Dah, di, di, di." "Perfect, again!" said Scary.

All the other bears took it in turns to try out this new 'language'. "Now all we have to do is put the letters together to make a word," Scary told them. "Leave a little gap (about the length of 3 di's) between the letters so that whoever is listening knows that you have finished a letter. They can either try very hard to remember the letters you have said, or they could write them down until they discover what the word is."

So James tried a word first whilst the other bears tried to work out what it was. His sounds were "Di, dah, dah, dah, pause, di, dah, pause, dah, dah, pause, di, pause, di, di, di." Can you work out what that was? Teddy was the first one to decipher it. It was James' name in morse code!

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