The Morse Code

Sending Secret Messages

Scary ran off to his bookshelf and came back with a slim booklet. Its title was "International Morse Code" and it contained pages showing strange markings next to each letter of the alphabet and the numbers 0 to 9. You can view or print these off by clicking here.

"These marks next to each letter and number" explained Scary, "are dots and dashes. You use the combination of dots and dashes to make up the letters and numbers. You can use your voice to mimic the markings so that a dot is just spoken as 'di' (a very short sound) and a dash is spoken as 'dah' (a longer sound)."

Working Out The Code

He pointed out the marking next to the letter 'A' on the first page. It was marked as a dot and a dash which would be spoken as 'di, dah'. "Try it out" Scary encouraged.

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