The Cycle Race

The Tour Of Britain Cycle Race

The first six went by, and the bears waved their flags and took photos, and then they had to wait for those six and a half minutes until the rest of the cyclists appeared but luckily they had sweets to eat while they waited. Then there were suddenly lots and lots of bicycles, and although they went past very quickly, the bears did manage to get some good photos, and cheer them on, furiously waving their flags.

Spare Bikes And Tyres
After the cyclists, there was a long line of other vehicles, many of which had bicycles and bicycle wheels and tyres on top of them, which were for emergencies if anyone's bicycle broke down or their tyres had punctures. Teddy and Tommy thought that the cars looked very funny with six or seven bikes and loads of spare wheels on their roofs and stayed to watch them drive past.

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