The Cycle Race

The Tour Of Britain Cycle Race

Have you heard of the Tour Of Britain Cycle Race? It's a race where people cycle around various places in Britain to see who is the fastest cyclist. Each of the places sets a route for the cyclist - these are called 'Stages' - and there are 8 of them this year.

Stage 5 was being held in Cheshire, where the teddy bears live, and luckily for them, the route passed very close by their home. So they decided it would be fun to go and see the cyclists ride by. The cyclists had to cycle 153 kilometres!!! The teddy bears find it very tiring to walk for just one kilometre!!

Crackers Making Flags

First of all, though, Crackers thought it would be a great idea if all the bears had flags to wave as the cyclists passed by. The only problem was that they didn't have any. That wasn't a problem for Crackers though, as he set about making some for all of them. He found a Union Jack (which is the name of the flag for Great Britain) in a picture on the computer, and then printed some off. He found some red, white and blue striped drinking straws in their craft box, and stuck a printed picture on to the end of each one, and, hurrah! - they all had flags to wave!

Crackers And His Flag

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