The Big Garden Birdwatch 2022

Birds In The Garden

They had all decided on a particular bird to count, and they were all very busy noting down how many they saw, so that they could pass their final figures to Teddy, who was going to fill in the official form to send back to the RSPB - that's the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.

Suddenly - great excitement! A big bunch of long-tailed tits suddenly appeared - it looked like a huge family gathering! The bears couldn't remember having seen them for a very long time, so were very pleased to see them back in the garden!

Long-Tailed Tit
They have extremely long tails, and they seem to like travelling around together because the bears saw about ten of them, all at once. Long-tailed tits also seem to do a lot of chattering between themselves - they can be quite noisy when they all get together - possibly even noisier than all of the bears!

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