The Big Garden BirdWatch 2020

The Big Garden BirdWatch 2020

At first, the time seemed to go really slowly, because they were waiting for the first birds to visit. Then all sorts of different ones came to the feeders, including 3 goldfinches all at the same time.

One Of The Goldfinches They Saw
"You can write that down as 3 against the goldfinch, Teddy" Edward said. Most of the birds came on their own but there were all different sorts so Teddy could mark a '1' against quite a few of the birds on the counting sheet.

The bears also had biscuits to eat and squash to drink, and the time ended up passing very quickly. In fact, they stayed watching for much more than the hour, even though they didn't have to do any more counting!

Eventually, they had to fill in the final results on a form, which Teddy did for them.

Teddy Carefully Filling In The BirdWatch Form
Then they folded it up and put it in an envelope addressed only to 'Freepost RSPB Big Garden BirdWatch' and ran off to the post box up the road to post it (even though they had until 11th February to do that!).
Crackers Posting The Completed BirdWatch Form
They could have input their results on the RSPB website up until 16th February, but it was a nice day and they needed a brisk walk after eating all those biscuits!

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