The Big Garden BirdWatch 2020

The Big Garden BirdWatch 2020

They didn't have to be completely quiet as they were indoors and the birds probably wouldn't hear them. That's just as well since they are quite noisy when they are all together! Bubbles had his binoculars so that he could look closely at any birds the bears didn't instantly recognise. Scary had the bird book so that he could look them up. Teddy was in charge of marking down how many of each bird they saw at any one time. He got a little confused because he wanted to mark down however many they saw, but he was supposed to only mark down the most they saw of each type at any one time.

Teddy Points To The Bird He Saw
So when 3 blue tits visited separately, he wanted to mark that down as '3', but it had to be marked down as '1' unless they saw 2 together and then it would be marked down as '2'. He was very confused, but the other bears all helped him during the hour they watched.

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