Telling The Time

A Different Sort Of Clock

Oscar had come round to visit his friend, Crackers, one day and they decided they would play in the garden as it was such a nice day.

They were looking around at all the pretty flowers growing there when Crackers suddenly shouted "What's that over there, Oscar?" and he pointed across the lawn. Oscar joined Crackers and they walked over to what Crackers had seen.

"It's really pretty" said Crackers, "it's all white and fluffy."

Oscar And His Dandelion Clock

He moved closer and patted the flower very gently with his paw. Suddenly the flower seemed to explode and shoot lots of little seeds into the air.

"Whoa!" he exclaimed. "What just happened?"

Oscar hurried over, laughing. "You've just found a dandelion clock!" he explained.

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