Tatton Gardens

Colours Everywhere

All that walking made them very tired and extremely hungry! Luckily, they had planned in advance and brought a picnic with them. They found a quiet, leafy dell, and unpacked sandwiches, and buns, and cake, and biscuits, with lots of lemonade to drink. It was nice to relax in such a beautiful place.

But, there was so much more to explore. They tidied up after themselves and set off for the more formal areas of the garden.

Japanese Bridge And Reflections
There were several water features, streams and fountains and small ponds to stroll by. There was a Japanese Garden, with pretty bridges, and a teahouse. There was an Italian Garden which was on a terrace overlooked by the mansion, and had perfectly laid-out flower beds. Luckily, there were also a lot of benches around the gardens so the bears could sit down often and rest.
Italian Terrace

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