Tasty Tomatoes

Hard Work Brings Delicious Results

That sounded like a great idea to all the other bears. They sliced up some of the biggest tomatoes and alternated them with slices of mozzarella cheese, and poured some good olive oil on top - a nice simple light dish. Some of the roast tomatoes they made into a thick and creamy tomato soup - every bear loves comforting tomato soup! There were sliced tomatoes on toast - a favourite snack. Then they made a lovely pasta sauce with some roast tomatoes, adding home-grown courgette and onions, and some bacon. They would eat that in bowls with pasta shapes like bows and spirals, and sprinkled with cheese. They even put a bowl of cherry tomatoes on the table, to nibble on in between courses! And if anyone was still hungry at the end, there were always tomato sandwiches to be made!

"Scary," whispered Vicky as all the preparation was going on. "Do you think that eating all these tomatoes will make our fur turn red?" she asked worriedly.

Teddy Bear Size!

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