Tasty Tomatoes

Hard Work Brings Delicious Results

Bubbles had supervised every step of their growth, and advised the other bears on what needed doing and when. He was very lucky that there were no complaints from anyone as they all had a vested interest in making sure that the plants grew as many great-tasting tomatoes as possible - they love tomatoes!

When they had first sown the seeds, they had sown extra ones just in case some of the seeds didn't grow. As it turned out, all the seeds flourished and they ended up having to plant some of the tomatoes outdoors as they couldn't bear to throw away anything that was doing so well.

Tiny Plants

"We'll have to sort of mollycoddle the tomatoes in the greenhouse," explained Bubbles. "They have no-one but us to be their rain and pollinators, so there will be watering and feeding the plants and pretending to be bees by 'tickling' the flowers with a paintbrush so that the tomatoes develop." The other bears loved the 'tickling' job the best, and could often be found in the greenhouse making the buzzing sound of bees while they went about their job!

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