
How To Stay Cool

Hasn't the weather been very hot recently? Hotter than we have ever known it to be! The sun has been shining down out of a cloudless, blue sky. Have you been extra hot playing in the garden or running round the playground? Now imagine how hot that would have been if you were wearing fur coats like the teddy bears! They've been very, very, very hot!!

Although they love to be outside as much as possible, they have found themselves seeking the shadiest parts of the garden, or if they go for a walk they've been making sure that their route takes them through the woodlands where the trees keep the paths nice and shady.

The Bears Sunbathing On The Bench

They've been too tired and too hot to play games or run around too much, so they've put their rugs and blankets under the lilac tree, and they've made sure to drink lots of iced lemonade. They've also spent a fortune on ice-cream - cornets, lollies, choc bars - they've had to have lots of all of them!

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