Summer In The Garden

What Lovely Flowers

They also grow some plants in pots and other containers. This way, the bears can move them around the garden so that they can enjoy them whether they are sitting on the patio, or near to the house, or to add colour to a dark corner.

They can only move the little pots though, because even though there are lots of bears, some of the pots are very heavy!

There are also wild flowers which grow in the lawn, like dandelions and daisies. Some people dig them up or call them weeds, but the bears like those too, and let them grow because they look so pretty in the grass.


The bears like being out in the garden, whether they are looking after their flowers or playing games on the lawn, or just sitting outside in the sunshine, or sitting in the shade sipping icy lemonade when it's too hot to sit in the sun. Sometimes they will cut flowers to bring inside the house and arrange them in vases of water so that they can enjoy them inside as well!

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