
Red Squirrels
S19_Header_Squirrel In Feeder

The bears very much enjoyed their recent holiday! They stayed in a cottage on the Isle of Anglesey, just off the north-west coast of Wales, out in the countryside, away from any big towns.

One of their favourite things to do was to go and look for red squirrels, lots of which live on Anglesey.

S19_1_Spot The Squirrel
Spot The Squirrel
They went to Llyn Parc Mawr just outside Newborough. They sat very quietly (which was very difficult for them as you can imagine) near some feeders which had been attached high up amongst the trees.

They had to wait a little while, very excitedly (though still very quietly!), until eventually a lovely red squirrel appeared high up a nearby tree.

S19_2_Climbing Down The Tree
Climbing Down The Tree
He was beautiful, with very red fur, and fluffy ears. The normal squirrels the bears see in their garden at home are much bigger and have grey fur so the red squirrels are really different.

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