Spring Sowing

In The Greenhouse

Oscar and Harry laughed to see that James was already checking the pots to see if any seedlings had grown yet! They had to explain that it would take a few days before there were any signs of life. James decided he would have to be a lot more patient than he usually was.

James Looks For Seedlings

After all that hard work (and it was hard - a bear covered in fur in a greenhouse with the sun beating down on them became very hot very quickly!) it was surely time for a rest! Luckily, the other bears had taken pity on them being out in the hot greenhouse for such a long time that they brought them some lovely cold drinks and they could all sit down and rest.

There would be a lot more work to come, of course. The seeds would have to be looked after until they became strong, healthy plants and could be put outside in the ground. They needed to be watered and kept warm when it was cold outside, and shaded from too much heat if it was a hot day. The bears had a busy time ahead.

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