Spring Lambs

Spring Lambs
S18_Header_Sheep And Baby Lamb

They walked through the fields of sheep and up and over stiles, and through a farmyard , and past a small wood, before they arrived at the sea. There was no beach to play on, the field just ran right down into the water.

S18_3_Strolling Together
Strolling Together
It was very restful to sit quietly on the blankets they had brought with them and chat about what they could see, like the birds and the flowers.

They eventually had to go back to the cottage for tea.

S18_4_Playing And Eating
Playing And Eating
They were very surprised when they were walking across a large field, and suddenly noticed that all the resident sheep and lambs were following them, in a long line, as if the bears were the Pied Piper of Hamelin! If you don't know who that is, visit your local library and find a book of the story - you'll love it!

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