
Snowdrops In The Garden

When grown in large masses, the combined fragrance perfumes the air. The leaves are straplike or grassy, appearing with the flowers and fading away in late spring.

There are 75 different species and more than 2,500 varieties of Snowdrops. They are all white. The most popular has a Latin name of Galanthus nivalis, more easily known as the Garden Snowdrop. Its Latin name means "milk flower of the snow".

Green Markings
And snowdrops were named after the type of earrings that ladies used to wear a long time ago, not drops of snow, although the bears think that the name snowdrop really suits them.

Because it is the first flower to bloom at the end of winter and the beginning of spring, it symbolizes hope. The bears were certainly cheered up by seeing such lovely flowers at last beginning to grow again in their garden.

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