
Snowdrops In The Garden

Snowdrops are a woodland plant so don't mind growing in partial shade so they are suitable for under-planting among trees and shrubs.

Snowdrops In The Border
The bears had planted their snowdrop bulbs about 10 centimetres deep, which is a little over 3 times the height of the bulb (which is a handy rule of thumb for planting all bulbs).

Snowdrops have delicate white flowers but, if you very carefully lift up their heads, you will see that the insides of the flowers are prettily marked with green stripes and dots and other patterns.

Tommy Looking At Snowdrop Markings
Tommy didn't have to lift the flowerheads up, as he could see them very easily from underneath as he is not quite as tall as a Snowdrop, so he only had to look up into the flowers which hung over him!

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