Small World

All In The Detail

"Ah!" said Bubbles, running his paw down all the pictures on the page. "It seems to be Phaonia Viarum." Lizzie looked at him as if he was just making words up now. "That's its scientific name," he continued quickly. "It's really just a house fly - but a prettily patterned one."


"Well, that doesn't seem a very good name for such a different-looking house fly," Lizzie pondered out loud. "I'm going to call it a Zebra Fly," she announced. The other bears had crowded round and taken turns looking at the fly through the magnifying glass, and agreed that her name was much better than just calling it a fly.

"I wonder what the fly thinks of us?" Boo suddenly asked. "We're looking at it through a big magnifying glass so we can see them really close up. Can they see us the same way?"

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