Silver Linings


But whilst they were looking out the window the other day, they saw something else. Something bright and colourful. Can you guess what it was?

The rain was just gently drizzling down, and the sun had managed to peep out from behind the clouds. And there in the sky was a beautiful rainbow! The bears all thought it looked gorgeous!

Now here's the science-y bit! Rainbows usually appear when the sun is behind us and the rain is in front - the beams of sunlight separate into the colours we see in the rainbow as they enter a raindrop. Sunlight is actually made up of different colours that we don't usually see. When a beam of sunlight comes down to Earth, the light is white. But, if the beam happens to hit raindrops on the way down, the different colours that make up the beam separate so that we can see them - in the form of a rainbow.

S13_4_Rainbow Touching The TreeTop
Rainbow Touching The Tree Top

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