Shrove Tuesday

Pancakes Are Yummy

When everyone had been served at least their first pancake, Bubbles made sure that the pancakes he made for his helpers were especially yummy. Then he cooked one for himself and they all sat down to enjoy the lovely food.

"There's some batter left," Bubbles then announced. "Does anyone want any more?"

Everyone's paw shot into the air. Bubbles laughed. "OK," he said, "I think there is probably enough for everyone to have another one. I'll have to make sure next week that I make a bit more batter so that we can all have as many as we want."

"Maybe you could teach me how to flip the pancakes, Bubbles," suggested Crackers, "and then I can help with the cooking and you can have a well-deserved sit-down to eat."

Bubbles was very happy with that suggestion and they both disappeared into the kitchen to cook the rest of the batter.

Add A Little Honey...

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