Secret Messages

Working Out The Answers

The teddy bears were trying to think of a game they could play but wanted to try something new. "I know," said Scary. "How about we try writing secret messages?"

"How do we play that?" they all asked. "I'll show you," said Scary. "There are lots of different ways, but let's try this one first."

Line Up The Blank Lolly Sticks

Scary found some wooden lolly sticks. You can either wait until you have all eaten enough lollies, and then wash them, or you can buy them from craft shops, ready to use. The bears liked the idea of eating all the lollies, but bears have very little patience when they've got an idea in their heads, so that would have taken much too long, and luckily they had some lolly sticks in their craft box.

Custard Has A Go

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