Scents Of Summer Part Two

Pot Pourri Recipe

The teddy bears were tidying out the large cupboard in their Craft Room recently and suddenly came across a big tray full of dried herbs and flower petals. "What's this?" asked Charlie, holding it aloft.

"Gosh! They're the flowers we picked back in August!" exclaimed Bubbles, "We've forgotten all about them!" If you remember, the bears had picked the last of the Summer flowers with the intention of making them into pot pourri (a medley of different dried flowers with spices and herbs added - in fact, anything that smells nice - that can be mixed together and left out in a room to perfume the air with the scents of Summer). You can read all about that in their previous story by clicking here.

"Oooh, yes!" cried Lizzie. "You were going to show us how to turn them into pot pourri, Bubbles!"

Materials Required

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