Robert The Rabbit Again

Robert In The Garden

He also liked the broad leaves from those very same flowers, and he was caught on camera very greedily eating several at a time!! For a small rabbit, he certainly had a very big mouth!

He also seemed to like the leaves that had fallen from the apple tree, and, of course, he didn't have to reach up to eat those as they were spread all over the lawn.

Robert With A Mouth Full Of Leaves

The bears even caught him in their strawberry bed!! They very nearly did have to go outside and chase him off after they saw that!! And again, they didn't think he would be able to reach any strawberries as they are planted in a raised bed which is quite high off the ground. Of course they should have remembered that rabbits can actually jump!!

Robert In The Strawberry Bed
And this one jumped into the strawberry bed, and had a quick rummage round, but luckily the bears don't think he ate any of the strawberries. They can't imagine why, because strawberries are one of the bears' favourite fruits.

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