Robert The Rabbit Again

Robert In The Garden

The teddy bears wrote previously about Robert the Rabbit - a little, wild rabbit who came into their garden and hopped and skipped around, interested in everything. You can read that one again by clicking here.

They also told you that he nibbled on the tips of the grass blades where they were most juicy and tasty. What they didn't mention, and what annoyed them just a teeny, tiny, little bit, was that he didn't stop at just eating the grass!!

Robert Eating A Flower

He seemed to particularly like to check out the pretty flowers that the bears grow in the garden, especially some daisy-like ones which are actually quite tall, and the bears never imagined that he would be able to reach up that high and eat them, but he stood up on his back legs and munched away quite merrily!

Robert Stretching To Reach Flowers

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