Quiet In The Garden

Is It Quiet In The Garden?

Some people think that the countryside is very quiet. But it turns out not to be so, as the bears found out recently. They thought they would test how quiet it was in their garden. They live quite close to the countryside on a quiet lane with only a few neighbours.

Ready With Paper And Pencils

Four of them decided that they would sit very still (with difficulty!) and very quietly (with even more difficulty!) on their garden bench outside and make a list of all the sounds they could hear.

At first it didn't seem as if there was very much to hear, but as they started listening very intently, they could hear all sorts of sounds.

Here is the list they made:

Bees Buzzing
  • Bees buzzing (and lots of them!)
  • Blackbird singing (way up at the top of a tree)
  • Mowing machine (from the garden next door)
  • Lots of hammering (from the workmen up the road)
  • Leaves rustling in the breeze
  • The clip-clop of horses' hooves (going past on the lane outside)
Cows mooing (in the field behind the house)
Cows Mooing

Radio music (from the workmen up the road - again!)
Glasses clinking (in the kitchen where the others were making lemonade for them all)
Aeroplane (way up in the sky but they could still hear it)
Buzzard (not so way up as the aeroplane)
The scratching sound of the pencils on paper (very good hearing there, Boo!)

Cars (driving past on the lane outside)
Birds Nibbling

Nibbling noise (no, not from the bears, but from the birds eating seeds from the bird feeder!)
Their own breathing!

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