Playing In The Garden

A Lucky Find

Apparently, nearly all clover plants have 3 leaves, but very, very occasionally you can find one with 4 leaves which is said to be extremely lucky. So the teddy bears spent ages looking for one, and were astonished when Gerry found the one in the photo here - can you spot it? Lucky Gerry!!

"I know a surprising fact about clover," said Scary "which not many people know."

Sitting In The Garden

"Oooh, what's that?" asked Boo, always happy to learn.

"Well, most people just walk across fields of clover without actually getting right down to their level," replied Scary "but if you do, you will find that they have a really sweet fragrance."

Try smelling the flowers when you next see them, either in your garden or out in the countryside. The scent is lovely.

Spot The Four Leaf Clover
Taller bears (and people!) who might have a problem getting down to that level (or, more likely, getting up again!) might have to actually pick a flower to smell it, but only pick one or two, leave the rest for others to enjoy!

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