Pin The Tail On The Easter Bunny

A Quick And Easy Game

When it seemed that Lizzie was going to place her 'tail' on the wall below the outline, the other bears encouraged her to stand on tip-paw so that she could reach the Easter Bunny itself.

"No cheating!" admonished Charlie, smiling.

"We're just helping Lizzie to at least put the 'tail' somewhere on the Bunny," Richard laughed.

Everyone had their turn, each choosing a cotton-wool 'tail' and being blindfolded before being led up to the Easter Bunny on the wall. Some of the smaller bears had to be lifted up to actually reach the Easter Bunny, but that was only fair.

Teddy's Turn

When they had all finished, they checked each of their positions on the Easter Bunny outline. Someone had managed to place a 'tail' on the Bunny's ear! But the nearest to the Bunny's proper tail position turned out to be Crackers! He was very pleased. And even more so when Charlie produced a small Easter egg as the prize!

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