"Ta-da!" he exclaimed.
"How do we play?" asked Teddy.
"Well, you have to be blindfolded, then place one of these cotton-wool balls (or tails) onto the outline wherever you think the Easter Bunny's tail should be. I will draw round each bear's chosen position in a different coloured pencil (that way we don't end up with lots of cotton balls in the way when you try to place each individual tail," explained Charlie.
"May I go first?" asked Lizzie.
"Of course," said Charlie. "Everyone will get a turn," he continued, handing Lizzie the bag of cotton-wool balls.
She reached in and chose a ball, then Charlie gently fastened a blindfold around her eyes. He had found a very soft silk scarf which would be very comfortable as a blindfold, but would ensure that they couldn't see where they were placing their 'tails'.