New Year Resolutions 2023

Choosing What To Do

Lizzie asked Scary if he would mind if she joined in with his resolution. She wanted to visit more stately homes, and they invariably had lovely gardens attached that he would be able to look around. That way she could travel with him (as she was only a little bear still and wasn't allowed to travel by herself). He was very pleased with her idea and said he would look forward to all the places they could visit.

Camera Skills

Vicki was also very keen to team up with another bear who could help her with her resolution. She wanted to learn more about baking so she asked Teddy if she could join in with him and they could work together. He was pleased that another bear was also interested in cooking. In fact, all the bears thought this plan was a great idea because it would hopefully mean that there would be twice as much cake to eat!!

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