Nesting Box

Setting Up A New Nest Box

The nesting box will face West which means that it should stay nice and warm throughout the year, but not too warm as it could be if it was facing South into direct sunshine all the time. It has a sloping roof to direct the rain away from the hole in the front of the box.

Charlie Putting Screw In Place
First, Charlie found the correct size of woodscrew that would fit through the hole at the back of the box and be long enough to screw into the wooden fence. With his screwdriver, he screwed the screw firmly into the fence, leaving just enough protruding to hang the box on.

Then he asked for volunteers to lift the box onto the screw whilst he stood back to make sure it was hanging straight. Everyone's paws were up in the air instantly as they all wanted to help, but Richard and Elizabeth put their paws up just before everyone else. So they lifted the box onto the screw and moved it slightly to the left or the right, according to Charlie's instructions, until it was hanging perfectly straight.

Richard And Lizzy Attaching The Nest Box

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