Map Reading

Map Symbols

To the rest of the bears, maps are covered in strange, unknown symbols (rather like small pictures), and lots of colourful, wiggly lines all over the place. Crackers and Oscar can not only point out that they'll be seeing a church on their walk but that it will have a steeple and not a tower, or not only that they will be walking through a wood, but that it will be full of coniferous trees (like fir trees or other trees that keep their leaves in Winter) or full of deciduous trees (like oak or ash trees that lose their leaves in Winter)!

Crackers Planning The Route

They are also quite good at choosing footpaths which aren't too steep - apparently the wiggly brown lines on the map help them with this. Going uphill too much would puff bears out - though the views from the top are usually worth it! Going downhill is better and they can run down some of the less-steep bits. And Crackers and Oscar are usually pretty good at choosing the rest stops (of which there are many!) - like by the lake, or at the beach, or under shady trees if it is a very hot day.

Is This A Coniferous Wood?

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