Letter To Santa

Writing To Santa
Christmas Decorations

They had to remember to put their names and address in their letter so that Santa would know where to write back. They sealed their letter up in an envelope and addressed it to Santa, Santa's Grotto, Reindeerland, XM4 5HQ, just as it shows in the picture. Then they stuck a stamp on the envelope.

Santa's Address
Santa's Address

They all walked to the postbox up the road, only to find that none of them could reach high enough to post their letter!! Oh no! How were they going to send their letter now?

Then Boo had an idea! He told Crackers to climb on his shoulders, and then Custard climbed on to Crackers' shoulders, and then he was tall enough to reach the opening in the postbox. He pushed the envelope through - it was a very big envelope for such a little bear - and their letter was soon on its way to Santa.

The Bears Post Their Letter
The Bears Post Their Letter

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