Letter To Santa

Writing To Santa
Christmas Decorations

They asked for lots more birdfood, to share out amongst all the birds that visit their garden. The birds eat quite a lot!! And still some birds are really tiny, like the wren the bears saw in the flower bed, or the blue tits which love the peanuts the bears put out for them.

The bears also asked for some films on dvd, especially the cartoon ones which they all like to watch. And then Boo decided to ask for a big bag of popcorn as well, so that they could eat that whilst they watched the films!

Packets Of Seeds
Which To Put On Our List This Year?

They also asked for lots of packets of seeds, so they could grow some new vegetables in their garden next year. This year they had so much lovely food which they had grown themselves (with some help from their friends) - tomatoes, lettuce, onions, strawberries, runner beans, peas, French beans, potatoes, raspberries, blackberries, redcurrants - the list goes on and on and it was all so yummy! They will all help to plant them, and then they will all help to eat them!! They might ask for some flower seeds as well so they can have pretty, colourful flowers to look at in the garden, and to cut and bring inside the house.

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