Knitting For Christmas

Warm And Cosy

Bubbles laughed. "Have you any idea how long that would take me?" he asked. "I'd be knitting all day, every day until Christmas!"

Boo was suitably embarrassed for even thinking that Bubbles should do all that work. "Weeeell," he began, "maybe some of us could help too? We did learn to knit when we made our own scarves years ago - I wonder how many of us can remember how?"

The other bears had been listening to this discussion between Bubbles and Boo. Crackers intervened. "I think I can remember how to knit," he said, "but I'm not sure how good a knitter I am."

Boo Knitting

"Well," replied Bubbles, "I'll always be here for any help you might need. It's just that there isn't enough time for me to knit them all myself."

"I'll give it a go," announced Boo, "especially if you can give me a hand now and again?"

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