Kite Flying

Fun And Drama

After flying Charlie's kite for a little while, he offered it on to another bear. "It's a lot harder than it looks," he said. "It's fun - but very tiring on a little bears' arms!" he laughed.

Teddy asked Charlie what was in the other packages he had brought with him. Charlie unwrapped another two of them and pulled out two more kites. These were very colourful and looked like strange people with faces!

Charlie Kite Flying

"Would you like a go with one of these?" he asked Teddy, and he passed one of the kites over. "Let's see if we can fly them together," he suggested.

Soon both Charlie and Teddy had their kites flying up in the air, dipping and diving in a merry chase across the sky. It was great fun.

"Can I have a go?" asked Tommy.

Richard, who had been flying Charlie's first kite, offered him the strings. "Now be very careful," he said, "the wind pulls at the kite very strongly so you will have to hold on tight!"

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