It Must Be Spring

A Garden Full Of Snowdrops

And the snowdrop has other names: "Fair Maids Of February" or "Candlemas Bells" (Candlemas being the 2nd of February).

One thing to bear in mind, though, is that the bulbs are toxic for humans, dogs and cats alike, so be extra careful when planting them.

By now, though, although it was very interesting to know all about snowdrops, and see how many there were in the garden, the bears were wanting to get back inside the house and get warm again - cold bears are never very happy!

Even Near The Duck!
So they all ran back indoors for some hot chocolate and biscuits.

Maybe you could look round your garden, or the local park or woodlands, and see if you can find any snowdrops - a sure sign that it must be Spring!

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