How To Forecast The Weather

Totally Natural

"They're all very interesting," mused Richard. "How can we tell which direction the wind is coming from though?" he asked.

"There are several ways," Teddy replied. "You can wet your paw and hold it up into the air and the side that gets coolest will tell you from which direction the wind is blowing. Or you could pick up some blades of grass and throw them up in the air and watch the way they are blown or fall."

"And, another useful trick to predict the weather with the wind and clouds, is by using your body. Stand with your back to the wind and look up. If the clouds are moving directly towards you or away from you or are stationary, the weather is likely to stay the same.

The Spider In His Web
However, if the clouds are moving left to right, the weather is going to get worse. But if the clouds are moving right to left, the weather is likely to get better. This works in the Northern Hemisphere, which is where we live, but those living in the Southern Hemisphere can just reverse the rule."

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