How To Forecast The Weather

Totally Natural

"What flowers are they?" asked Vicky.

"Look for dandelions, daisies, tulips, clover or scarlet pimpernel," replied Teddy.

The Roses Smell Even Better!

"Oh, look over here!" exclaimed Richard. "Here's some dandelions with closed petals. They think it's going to rain too!" The other bears all ran over to the patch of dandelions and, sure enough, their petals were already closed, even though it was only the middle of the morning.

"Also, if you smell any flowers which usually have a light scent, you will find that they smell much stronger just before it rains," Teddy continued. "The humidity (that's the amount of water in the air) increases before it rains and makes odour molecules (they're the invisible bits of a flower's smell) travel better."

The teddy bears ran round to all their favourite flowers, especially the roses, and discovered that they, indeed, did smell more strongly.

Pine Cone Open

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