How To Find North

Different Ways To Find North

Crackers explained that he would use the time, and the sun! This sounded very intriguing! Crackers said that he would point the hour hand of his watch at the sun, and then the mid-way point between the hour hand and 12 would point South, so North would be in the opposite direction.

"But what if I don't have a watch?" asked Tommy. "I normally look at the time on my mobile phone and that doesn't have an hour hand."

Crackers Works Out Which Way Is South
"Simply draw a clock face on a piece of paper and mark the hour and minute hands on that, and then use that as if it were a watch," replied Crackers.

"Ooh, that's quite clever!" said Tommy, and the rest of the bears agreed. So they tried it out in the garden. Boo drew a clock face on a piece of paper and marked the time, which was three o'clock. Then Crackers showed them how to mark South on it as he'd explained previously, and therefore which way was North.

It Matches The Compass!
Then Teddy ran and found Crackers' compass which they laid next door to the paper, and checked that their North matched up with the compass red arrow for North - it worked!! How brilliant is that?

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