
How To Play Hopscotch

Once you have decided on what marker you are going to use, you need to decide the order in which you are going to play - the bears used to find this the hardest part because everyone wanted to go first, so now they put all their markers into a hat and they take their turns in the order they are pulled out!

Bubbles Starts At Number 1

The rules are as follows:

Stand behind the starting line and toss your marker into square one.
Hop over square one to square two and then continue hopping to square eight, turn around, and hop back again.
Pause in square two on the way back to pick up the marker from square one, hop over square one, and out.
Then continue by tossing the marker into square two.
All hopping is done on one paw unless two squares are side-by-side. Then two paws can be placed down with one in each square (unless one of those squares contains the marker in which case it must be missed).
You must always hop over any square where a marker has been placed.

Teddy Takes Aim

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