Holiday On Anglesey

Lots To See And Do

"If I zoom in with my camera," said Bubbles, "or you look through your binoculars, you can see how thick the snow is up there. It's more like staying in the Alps than in Wales!"

Because there was no snow in the lowland area their cottage was in, the bears decided that it was a nice day to go out exploring. They had visited the South Stack Lighthouse on previous visits but they liked to go and use the big telescopes there to watch the sea birds flying over the sea, or sitting on their nests on the cliff face. Their favourite bird of all those they saw was the puffin.

Are You Sure This Is Anglesey?

Puffins are really comical-looking birds. Lizzie likened them to parrots because their beaks are so colourful. In fact, they are known as 'parrots of the sea'. Some people liken them to clowns too because of their bright colours. The bears had seen real puffins a couple of times when they had visited Elin's Tower, though those times had been later in the year. They didn't expect to see any puffins so early in March.

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